Flood Barriers

Gobbler Ltd, Distributors for H2O Flood Protection Barriers.

Call 07835 638770
Fast assemble, long life, affordable, quick fit, compact storage FLOOD DEFENCES.

It’s fact that our global weather is rapidly changing. No matter where you live, you’ll be affected. Dry regions are now experiencing extreme rain and mudslides. Hurricanes are now common, thunderstorms more fierce resulting in rising rivers. Housing and factories are more at risk now as low level land is released for building, sewers  too small to handle the volumes. Those who occupy flood plains often find out the hard way, suffering devasting flooding.

Due to prior flooding, insurance is hard or impossible to get, this is your easy answer.

If you live near a river, flood defenses are critical, but ask yourself the question….. are those erected by the Environment Agency  good enough?

Everyone can now invest in their own, easily affordable, fully proven, fast erect, Certified flood defenses now used worldwide.

The new Patented H2O System eliminates the use of heavy sandbags, which are not only hard to find in emergencies, sometimes ineffective, are bulky to store and hard to dispose. The H2O system is the perfect answer, when folded flat it stores in your garden shed. Tested to be Strong enough to resist Hurricane winds and heavy flying debris.

 Each unit kit is 1x1x1 meters when erected. If you’re caught out, It can be erected at the start of  flooding, then filled with flood water or hose. Better late than never, you can then save your property and start drying out!

It’s always ready, erected in minutes, then just fill with water. When the emergency‘s past, it’s just minutes to empty.   It fits shop doorways or flat against a wall of a house. It can be erected in any length for a totally waterproof enclosure. Neighbours can share the cost of a barrier completely surrounding detached or semi- detached  houses for a very low cost.

 Why rely on Government Agencies for protection, when often it comes too late?

H2O will protect against loss of insurance, if you don’t claim you shouldn’t lose it. High quality, tough  H2O will last for years, it’s almost a once in a lifetime purchase!

View the Rapid H2O Flood Barrier brochure →