

Linked Services


Oil is often spilled in large quantities in oceans, rivers or on land. Oil recovery is often achieved in lesser amounts due to being spread, or subject to the effects of wind and tide. Collectively in bulk, it’s an issue that has been unaddressed in the past. What do you do with 1000’s of tonnes of recovered oil? It’s a major part of the reason why so little progress has been made in heavily polluted countries over the past 50 years; and then there’s the problem of

  • Collecting oil in a recyclable condition
  • Where do you store it in bulk?
  • Storage availability
  • Storage tank contamination
  • Cleaning of storage tanks
  • How to dispose of the oil?
  • Who will buy it, and where are they located?
  • What analysis is needed prior shipment?
  • Who will do the tests?
  • How much can be sold?
  • How is the oil loaded on ships if facilities are absent?
  • Disposal of other oil related products
  • Can cost be recovered from profit?



Gobbler Boats have in place, Partners and facilities to deal with these problems. Subject to contract, arrange disposal of oil related products for sale.

  • Recover oil in a saleable condition
  • Gobbler equipment provides this quality
  • Oil analysis by experienced staff
  • Hazmat services
  • Oil terminal tank cleaning service
  • Contract shipping
  • Oil transfer to anchored ships (GoPodsĀ®)
  • Oil disposal to global recycle centres
  • Extraction of oil from absorbent materials
  • Disposal of resultant base biomass
  • Plastic shredding machinery
  • Wood shredding machinery
  • Vegitation shredding machinery
  • Subject to contract, deployment of local personnel

Details available upon request.